
Introducing our Staff Support Networks – SAME (Support Association for Minority Ethnic Staff)

Thames Valley Police has a number of very active staff support networks; including faith-based groups, the Thames Valley Women’s Network and a recently launched Men’s Forum. These important peer-support groups act as a critical friend to the organisation; championing improvements to policies and practice that improve the working lives of those within the force and …


PCSO Brandan Charles makes a difference… could you?

Hello, I am PCSO Brandan Charles and I work in Reading. Let me tell you how my passion for policing started… I never really had much interest in joining the police growing up, it wasn’t until I joined a security job about 4 years ago that the idea started to grow on me. I had …

Valuing Difference

PAET’s first year of action

As the Positive Action and Engagement Team (PAET) concludes its first year of activity, here we reflect on how much has been achieved. The team was set up to address and rebalance the fact that Thames Valley Police (TVP) currently does not fully reflect the communities it serves. The Thames Valley force area has a …


Nindy made a difference… Could you?

Police Sergeant Narinder Pal Kaur Sidhu (Nindy) has worked for Thames Valley Police (TVP) for over 30 years, as she looks forward to her retirement later this month we spoke to Nindy about her fascinating career and how being a Sikh female and a Police Officer brought invaluable difference to our force. Nindy, you have …

Women in Policing

Women in Policing

Currently, women make up 45% of the workforce at TVP, compared to just 23% in 1989. Females represent 34% of our serving police officers and 48% of our PCSOs. Since the first female officer joined the force in 1941, numbers have grown steadily and encouragingly, we are seeing more female officers progressing into senior and …