Meet PC Pete Butt-Gow of TVP’s Positive Action and Engagement Team

PC Pete Butt-Gow

Age at joining: 28, following 10 years of military service

Why did you become a Police Officer?

It was always my intention to join the police but I felt I wanted some life experience first. I joined the military first and after nearly 10 years I left and joined TVP. I was raised and lived in a multi-generation household where discipline and respect were very high on the family agenda, and then this was elevated whilst in the military. Where emphasis on doing the right thing even in difficult circumstances was ingrained. All these values are integral values a Police Officer should possess and display. I also wanted to serve the community and in some way, and make or leave positive impressions.

Why is difference important in policing?

In the UK, we police by public consent. We police a large and diverse population, therefore in order to be reflective of the public we serve, our workforce should be equally as diverse. This may also then reassure certain sectors of the community that we value equality in all its strands, especially amongst those who historically have not been entirely trusting of the police due to a range of factors.

As an experienced officer, over my service I have carried out many roles, one of which is the mentoring of new officers coming into the organisation. I have built strong relationships and earned the respect of our service users over the years, and I now hope that these skills can be utilised within the team in our focus of engagement, recruitment and retention and raising the profile of the organisation and its merits as an employer of choice.

What advice would you give to those considering a career in policing?

Always try to leave a positive impression.

Everyone is more capable of what they believe.

Most people aren’t inherently bad, they just make bad decisions.

The best thing about working in policing

The variety and having the opportunity to make lasting positive impressions.

Thames Valley Police (TVP) is actively looking for people wanting to be the difference they want to see in their communities. To find out more about a policing career with TVP – including the realities of working on response, initial training, and to register your interest to become a Police Officer please visit our Police Officer page.