Meet Chief Constable Jason Hogg

On 1 April 2023, Jason Hogg became our Chief Constable here at Thames Valley Police (TVP), following four years as Deputy Chief Constable.   

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I grew up in Hartlepool. This was a deprived area with a lot of crime. I worked hard and was fortunate enough to get a place at the University of Oxford.  During this time I volunteered at The Gatehouse, a homeless charity in the city. We regularly had to call the police following abusive behaviour from some of the guests. Those Thames Valley Police officers inspired me to join the service and I felt excited about the breadth and diversity of the job they did. I wanted to use their inspiration to give something back to my home community, so in 1995 joined Cleveland Police.

Can you tell us more about your career?
I was struck by the difference the police made in Cleveland. When on warrants, residents would cheer us in the street. They saw us standing up to the bullies and showing them their behaviour was not acceptable.

In 2001, I transferred to Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Constabulary where I spent most of my time working in investigation roles, serving as a detective at every rank.

After meeting the former Chief Constable of TVP, Sir Francis Habgood, I knew I wanted to join the force. In 2016, I transferred becoming Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) Crime & Criminal Justice, followed by ACC for Counter Terrorism Policing South East and the Regional Organised Crime Unit. I became Deputy Chief Constable in 2019.

How has having dyslexia affected you?
I was 41 when diagnosed with dyslexia and dyspraxia, it was like a lightbulb moment and suddenly everything started to make sense. I could see why I found written work draining and why I was naturally clumsy as a kid.

Around 1 in 10 people in the UK have some degree of dyslexia, so that’s potentially up to 10% of our workforce. We know some people with neurodiversity choose not to declare their diagnosis and that is the case in our own force, yet we are currently supporting around 1,500 colleagues across a range of neurodiversities.

I hope that by sharing my own experience encourages anyone affected to be open and aspirational, and shows this personal challenge is not a barrier to success.

Policing is tough, how do you keep motivated?
Fundamentally, to my core, I believe in our mission and the good we do every day. I am proud to be a Thames Valley Police officer and motivated by the difference we can make; by serving victims, preventing, and fighting crime, we will build trust and confidence amongst all our communities.

What makes you proud to be a part of TVP?
I have been a police officer in three forces now and in my regional role, worked across another three. I can say without doubt, there is something different about Thames Valley Police and it’s those who work and volunteer for us; our people are amazing.

Thames Valley Police is a really good police force. Our people are incredibly professional, committed and ethical. I am proud to work for Thames Valley Police and you will be too.

Listen to what inspired our Chief Constable to join the police, and what his priorities are for Thames Valley Police: 

Thames Valley Police is actively looking for people to be the difference they want to see in their communities.

To find out more about a policing career with TVP – including the realities of working on response, initial training, and to apply to become a Police Officer please visit our Police Officer page