Military Resettlement

Thames Valley Police is proud to offer a second career to those who have previously served with His Majesty’s Forces. Demonstrating support for our armed forces communities is really important and we are extremely pleased that our work and practices have been recognised as Gold Standard with the Armed Forces Covenant. We continue to work in partnership with several military resettlement organisations to promote policing careers to those that have served and their families.

Veterans bring a wealth of transferrable skills and experience that are important in policing, such as discipline, mental resilience, physical robustness, and motivation as well as the perseverance to keep going through difficult situations. These values are important to the overall culture of policing and means that employing veterans helps us bring new officers into our force that are pre-prepared for the work they will do to keep our communities safe.

Military Resettlement Payments

TVP is proud to be the first and only police force in the UK to offer those moving from the military into a policing career a resettlement payment of up to £2,500. See below for more details.

Military Veterans transitioning into a policing career with TVP will be supported with a one-off resettlement payment of £2,500 paid in to their first month’s pay. To be eligible for this payment, you must be:

  • commencing a policing career with TVP via one our new recruit police officer entry routes
  • embarking upon your first post-military employment
  • prepared to reimburse the full amount should you choose to leave during your probabtion period

Military Veterans transitioning into a police staff role with TVP will be supported with a one off resettlement payment of £1,500 paid in to their first month’s pay. To be eligible for this payment you must be:

  • embarking on your first post-miiltary employment
  • prepared to reimburse the full amount should you choose to leave during your probation period

Where you can meet us

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise that those who serve, or have served, in the Armed Forces – and their families – are treated fairly.

Thames Valley Police is proud that our commitment, respect and support has been recognised as Gold standard.

This is formal recognition of the relationships that already exist between our force and the military, and presents an opportunity to develop them further for mutual benefit.

Armed Forces Covenant banner
As well as a strong reservist network and a continuous presence at military resettlement events, we also have a large group of staff support networks that are available for all to join. The camaraderie at TVP brings an easy crossover from the military and our extra networks such as LGBT+, Support Association for Minority Ethnic individuals, Women’s Network and Men’s Forum means we provide an added layer of support for all those joining our force.

You can find out more about how TVP supports you.
Can I become/continue to be a reservist?

There is an opportunity for a limited number of officers and staff at Thames Valley Police to become a military reservist, and these are supported through our Armed Forces Covenant Gold commitment.

If you are interested in becoming or continuing your reservist work, please speak to your recruitment advisor at the time of application.
If you would like to speak to our recruitment team about military resettlement, please email us at